Yes, it's allowed to jump on the sofa.
My favourite month is September. Always been.
My birthday.
Starting up something new: A course. A book. Or raising a brand new person.
The clear Arctic air that makes you feel alive.
September by Woody Allen. A hurrah to complicated relationships.
The month before Boring October with first snow.
Oh the colours!
What's September to you?
September er liksom starten. Ikke på det nye året. Men du vet, det nye skole- og barnehageåret. Alt begynner igjen. Ferien er over. Jobben blir hektisk. Ungene skal hit og dit og overalt.
Men september er også innekos. TV-hverdagen starter. Jeg hiver meg på en serie eller to. Fredagskveldene fylles med gullrekka og god mat i uante mengder. Kos, rett og slett! Jeg liker september!
God helg til deg og dine! :-)
I like September because of my birthday (and yours, of course :)), but there are too many hints of fall for me to really love it: the days are noticeably shorter, the garden and the woods are slowing down. But there are also still many signs of summer here, and I fully intend to focus on those while they last!
Yes! September is the month of new hopes. I've always felt that september is the first month of the year :)
First we dream of all the things we want to do this winter, and then we try to cut back, so that it all becomes manageable.
September is a return to "normal" life and to more interesting radio (hopefully). And september is still full of light and a consciousness that I need to enjoy it while it lasts.
It's my birthday month too (so that's fun!) and like Dorit, I think of it as a real New Year with the start of a fresh academic year. There's just enough summer lingering to remind us of what we can look forward to, and when I smell someone's wood fire I can't wait for the crisp winter evenings indoors.
Interesting... I never thought of what my favorite month might be. But September is a pretty great one. I like the transitional places. And I like May, because it's my birthday month, and pretty transitional. I'm remembering how in this part of the world, I really do like the Indian summer of September though. Happy bday month! :)
Begining, this time a new job, a new routine, a course, porposes, the change of colours, a bit of cold nights, friends...
i like other month such as May, June, but September is nice too. your sep photos are pretty.
hope you have a good fall.
Kunne ikke vært mer enig! Og HVER start på september kommer jeg til å si: ååå, akkurat sånn vær her var det da Kaisa ble født! Torden etterfulgt av kaldt, klart og solfyllt vær. Nydelige farger og herlig luft!
my birthday too of course, the smell of autumn, not to hot outside, first fire in the stove, hot tea, the rain and wind, chocolate.... ;-)
September is a great one. In my work our new "financial year" starts the 1st of September, so we always go around saying Happy New Year and hug eachother on the 1st. We also have a new years party-- it is great.
It is a month for getting into routines after summer, to start lighting candles at night, take out your knitting project which have been hidden since february.
Yes, it has just started but September feels good!
September for me is usually about enjoying the late summer sun on the beautiful island of Corsica... my absolute favourite place to be! This year though I'm staying put and already feel autumn in the air... after another hit and miss British summer it feels too soon! I'm hanging on to any last rays that come my way... Hope September brings lots of good things to everyone - esp the birthday girls! :-)
Happy birthday to me, Francesca, Christine and Tilda! Virgos are something special. Yes, it's the month of getting into the routines again, starting new projects, stocking up on tea and candles for the evenings. It's undoubtable autumn, but we like it!
September is one of my favorites. Because it feels like new beginnings, partly because of my son going back to school and the weather changing as it does. I moved back from Florida about two years ago, returning to NY after 7 years gone. Now I truly appreciate the changing seasons. Something I took for granted before. I enjoy your blog very much!
September has always been bittersweet to me; the beautiful colours and crisp air never fully makes up for the fact that Summer is over.
It's my birthday this month too!
Hope you have a lovely September :)
I'm new here and like your blog a lot. I Like september because we still have a couple of warm days combined with the smell of fall in the air, sooo nice.
Gorgeous photos as always, looks like September in your parts is GORGEOUS.
I love september also
your pillows are wonderful
guess you don"t know the name of my green plate?
you could always try to send me one plate and fill the rest of the parcel with cookies the plate is safe,lol
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