Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Bright Lights, Big City

My favourite spot on my walk to kindergarten: Standing on the top of the hill I get the big city feeling. Rio. London. Calcutta. The bright lights.

In reality it's just the hospital and the university. And 70.000 in the Arctic.

But for a moment I'm somewhere else.

Good luck with your Christmas preparations. Just take deep breaths, you will survive.

P.S: These guys (one of them is my daughter's friend's dad) on the South Pole Expedition hope to get home by the 24th.


likeschocolate said...

Not to small of a city. There is about that many where I live.

Skrekk o Gru said...

jeg ser ikke noe bilde her

Liv-Inger said...

Enig med Skrekk o gru. Vil ha bilde! *maserlitt*

Fint med lysene i mørketida da. Og Tromsø kan virke ganske så svært, bare man kommer fra mindre forhold. Husker i oppveksten at broren min (yngre) var søkkimponert på ene byturen, fordi det kjørte to busser etterhverandre på veien! Hallo, i hjembygda kom bussen innom hvis du avtalte det på forhånd...

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful view. 70,000 souls leaves a lot of scope for many stories and realities!

Malyss said...

70 000 lost in the artic night..could be a beautyful story's beginning!
I'm all ready for Christmas , can you believe it?!only cooking left (not my favorite part..)

liza said...

I think we have about 70,000 here too. I still have trouble absorbing that you are walking to kindergarten in such darkness! At least the lights are so pretty.

Linda said...

The hospital and the university between them certainly use enough power. I suppose they're like mini cities in their own right.

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Just keep that wonderful spirit, always seeing the beauty everywhere you look & all will be well. I loved your Polar Night tutorials ....much of the advice, is good for us all. I hope all of your holiday preparations are coming wishes for a very happy holiday season!

Stephanie said...

OK, Mali, I have a question for the cold-weather experts: What kind of stroller do you use in the cold, and what kind of stroller "bag?" Do you have a sleeping bag kind of thing to keep the baby warm? I'm using one, but it's not quite up to snuff, so tell me -- what works?! :) Stephanie


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