How's your holiday going? We're taking a break from all the heavy, traditional food with a spanish omelette. (not so Arctic-ic is it)
This 5month old baby loves turnip mash. But she's not very fond of sleeping in the evenings. Unless there's a dummy (read:me) in sight.
I'm excited to host a giveaway for H&M's new clothing line for babies, concious newborn - just about to hit the online stores! The clothes are made from organic and recycled materials, free from chemical additives. They are in French nostalgic style. I love them for not doing the pink and blue thing this time. It's not excactly unisex, but they're getting there.
Do you know anyone excpecting who deserve a suprise-gift from H&M, or just yourself? For entering, leave a comment before Monday the 2nd of January, and I'll pick two winners! A shout out on Twitter and Facebook gives you extra tickets, so let me know:)
Good luck
Congratulations Litlo&Kalen and Kelleyn with winning!
I know a new mother in Canada who'd love such a parcel. I sent her some of my boys' old baby clothes, and now feel bad because I sent them too late and the baby would now be too big for them ... and apart from that they weren't too glamorous.
And nothing beats organic baby clothing. So I'm being selfish really, making myself feel better by her hopefully winning something as beautiful as this!
Happy happy holidays to you. Early happy new year! Your little girl is so sweet.
And, yes, I know some wee ones who would love the new H & M! It's a great giveaway.
Lovely! Thanks for the chance. These would be great for my new nephew.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
My childlren have worn H&M clothing since the birth of my first child 12 years ago. What I love about their clohing is that it is durable and the clothes are classic. My 4 year old is still able to wear clothes his two older brothers have worn. I know someone who just had a baby, so I hope you please count me in. Happy Holidays!
Jeg er med!
Så spennende! Eg kjenner fleire som hadde blitt glade for dette. Deler med glede på facebook :)
wish you for happy new year.
Shoot, just missed this! Too bad, would loved to win some of these baby clothes...
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