All I had at this estate sale was two hands, and a buying ban from home. I could have brought the whole house back, but I'm living with someone who, ahem - not always approves . And in the bigger picture I like living with him. But as I say: this is a cheaper hobby than buying guitars.
* Erik Kold canister.
* Five plates of Stavangerflint "Lajla" and a larger plate in same pattern
* Vintage curtains that will become cushions. Most def.
* Vintage shelf paper unused
* Six mid century modern glasses with jug.
* The most retro lamp you can imagine.
* Vintage tray holder
I'm throwing in a photo to illustrate that you never know what you meet around the corner in the Arctic. Like these reindeers hanging around the sami kindergarten when I was strolling. Never a dull day! (lots of snow though)
Have a good week! Am sharing these at Flea Market Finds and Apron Thrift Girl
Oh my! What a gorgeous haul from the estate sale! I love every bit and am not even casting my mind to what you may have left behind.
I live with someone who also imposes bans ... which I ignore!
Ha-Ha, we're more with bans I understand. Coming home from estate sale yesterday I bought a huge chocolate to bribe him, and it worked a little bit. And no, you shouldn't cast you mind of what I left behind, cause it was piles and piles of 50-60s treasures:(
Lol, you're right - it is a cheaper hobby than buying guitars. That mid century glass set is awesome!
That estate sale looks a bit more up-market that the jumble sale in Nordreisa Videregående skole yesterday. I did get three records for 15 Kroner. It's not quite so great as what you came away with, but no complaints from me.
Maybe I'm a little jealous about the reindeer though. I want to see reindeer!
You really found some great treasures! It is almost impossible for me to imagine running into a couple of reindeer. What fun!
Oh how beautiful is snow on a sunny day! The reindeers look great too.
Last night we watched the movie "NORD", do you know it? I loved the process of getting out of depression. The guy could't do it alone.
Have a nice afternoon and great week!
You see, this is just another reason why I love your blog. I just squealed like a child (and I'm 54) over seeing a real picture of reindeer! Love the vintage finds.
sounds like my husband who would love to live in a minamal modernist house, instead we live in a victorian terrace crammed with many of my things! He also collects guitars!!
Haha...I feel your pain with the husband not always approving. Thankfully they love us! Loving the MCM Glasses & Pitcher!
Cheers ~ Lara
great finds! i love the glasses and jug!
Too cool to find reindeers outside the school. Do you know why they were there?
Wow - what an array of vintage delights! Well done you :-) On the subject of reindeers I had a bizarre encounter with a really grumpy pair at a xmas fair in London (poor things!) We had a family snapshot with them shaking their antlers at us - my 2 year old was also pretty grumpy! They certainly look more at home in your pic! :-)
Wow, so many amazing finds! I love the glass set and the fabric...and THAT LAMP! Fabulous.
You found so many great things with beautiful patterns!
Along with many other ladies, my boy doesn't approve of a lot of the things I bring home either. He knows it's a moot point though. :)
As for the reindeer...just magical!
Thankyou for your comments. I guess my partner (we're not married but been together for 12 years) has come to the "you can't beat them - join them"-conclusion and now hunts vinyl records with me. Kelleyn, they were by the sami kindergarten probobly because they had some kind of festival going on that day. They certainly not go around lose! Teresa, the story with the grumpy reindeers make me laugh! And kids are always grumnpy on occasions like typical.
What gorgeous finds: particularly liking the plates and the floral designs in the curtains: just lovely!!
Oh wow, those plates are beautiful - I had never seen or known of the pattern before. When I saw the thumbnail on Thrift Share Monday, I thought it was Figgjo!
So cool! Love the reindeer...
Yes, I would have bought all of these too!
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