For all you working girls out there, or for you interested in social media: In front of the beautiful tulips my father got me is a book you might be interested in.

Eric Qualman is the american author of the bestselling book Socialnomics.
He teaches you how to make business through social media. He doesn't teach you how to avoid controversial personal opinions when employed at a firm.
But hey, you should now that by now!

He's a really nice guy (and has a very healthy appearance, white teeth and sort of Swedish looking). And look, he signed the book for the Arctic Mum readers! And claims he loves you! I don't know if that's really true, but I love you! Loads.
Do you want me to mail it to you, wherever you are in the world? Leave a comment before April 10th!
I'd love to read this book. Thanks for offering it.
It's funny because we were trying to develop a short training session for voluntary organisations in our city about how to use social media to grow awareness or their media - so i too would love to read this!! And perhaps it'll stop me committing social suicide on Facebook ;-)
yes I do! put my name in the hat!
I'd like to win that! Thank you for the chance!
Yes! Count me in!
Å ja, jeg har også veldig lyst på denne boken.
Hilsen Sølvi
that's a great book to have for your giveaway, would love the chance to win it, thanks so much, count me in!
I'd love to read that book!
Well, this time don't put my name in the hat! i don't speak english good enough to understand such a book! But i'm glad to know that this guy loves me as one of your readers! :o)
I would love to work this book! I could use some business tips in social networking. I am soooo 20th Century.
Looks interesting - would love a shot at this! (Ooo, and signed, too..)
Sounds lilke an interesting read...
I'm officially intrigued :)
Søring-dad är också taggad på boken! Vinner jag bjuder jag på vin :)
I'd love to read this book.
And if he says he loves me... I must read it :)
That´s sound great...I am now reading womenomics or something similar, about importance of women in economy and the value of our time...interesting
is it a good book?
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