Sunday, May 23, 2010

From the National Day to a (more rewarding) vintage hunt

We celebrated the National Day with parading, waving with flags and eating tons of ice cream and hot dogs.

Lots and lots of people wear the national costume - bunad - this special day. I own one too, but never seem to manage to polish the silver and iron that shirt in time.

Just after I volunteered at a flea market for the Climate Cause and brought home for Arctic Dad's growing collection an old Yashica camera with lenses and all, in it's original box. That must have been a bargain.

Found another one too. Looks like a toy, but is not.

The benefit of getting all these cameras is that it allows me to drag in lots of other stuff. Women are wise, what can I say.

And no, I couldn't resist this 70's doll house even though we don't have space for it. I would love to live in a house just like that.

And some 70's children's clothes. Not a pink garment in sight, just how I like it. I think it's ridicilous how the clothes industry focuses on differences between sexes: girls in miniature grown up princess dresses, boys in blue sweaters with race cars on.

Children should be allowed to be children. End of line.

Of course this 50's plastic salt and pepper set and sugar bowl had my name on. They're so charming I may have to get them their own caravan.

Have a great week!


Unknown said...

Love the clothes! And I couldn't agree more, children should be allowed to be children, and children love colour!

I've been dressing my little one in bright colours since he was born - now he chooses his own garish outfits :)

Rachel Kay said...

Hi there, just read your comment on my blog so thought I'd pop over to say 'hi' :)
Those are great finds you got there, especially love the 50's plastic salt and pepper set and sugar bowl!

Rachel Kay

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh, that doll house and those clothes are crazy amazing.

Promise me if you ever decide to get rid of them you will ship them to me instead!

Also, I totally agree with you about the kids' clothing industry.

Louise said...

What fun to dress up in National Costume. I would love that ! Enjoy your summer-spring !

likeschocolate said...

I love all the traditional clothes. How fantastic! Great job in finding that old camera. Have you seen that Swedish movie about the woman with the camera. The movie is set around early
1900's. Great film!

Snooze said...

i always love seeing your national costume, and the little cruet swet is so sweet.

My Flea Market Find

PJ said...

It's great to see some different clothes! Very nice finds.

Nick said...

icoleHow wonderful! I think the closest thing we have to a national dress here in Australia is thongs and a singlet. It seems everyone is finding dolls houses this week! You're the third that I have seen. Good finds.


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