Sunday, May 12, 2013

8 Year Old

Happy Mother's day! In Norway Mother's Day is on a totally different date, and we tend to keep it down. Mother and Father's Days are always great for socks and panties refill!

8 year old in da house, with cupcakes (mix) even this mother can make! Arctic Dad on the other hand...made coco cake and cheese cake with cherry jelly lid. Very succesful, and 13 girls were happy. The 8 year old herself was pleased with the kick bike, that now even can be used outside (hurrah!).

Speaking of outside, we hung out by the shore in the weekend, still a bit cold - hat's not off yet. But soon, soon.

Please have a look at One Day In History: a reward winning photo project by a female Norwegian photographer with portraits of survival youth from the Utoya tragedy. The portraits are powerful, yet silent in a graceful way that honor these strong teenagers.

Wishing you a good week:)


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Happy happy 8 year old Birthday!! Looks like a wonderful party with such pretty cakes!

50 and counting said...

It's Mother's Day here in Canada, so enjoy our day.

Warm enough to sit out with coffee.

likeschocolate said...

Happy Birthday to our little girl or not so little girl. So happy she had a wonderful day!

tove said...

Gratulerer så masse med 8- åringen!!! Det både ser og høres ut som en knallfin bursdag:-) Så nyyydelige bilder, masse lekre farger, så deilig å kunne ta stolene ut og se frem til sommer! Her har vi tatt et tak i hagen i dag, registrerer at mange av buskene er merket av den lange kalde vinteren. Takk for skjønne bilder av vakre barn, vakkert hus, vakkert sted:-)

Tracey said...

Happy Birthday 8 year old, hope she had fun! Glad to see the snow has almost gone. x

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a great party! Well done to both Arctic Mum and Dad on the refreshments. I hope your daughter enjoys her new age. We have a young friend who turned eight recently, and wrote to us on his thank you card "It's gr8 2 B 8!"

I'm so glad you are able to see the ground once again.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Totally amazing photographs of the Utoya survivors. No words to express my thoughts about what they must still be going through. Prayers for healing...

Unknown said...

Looks like sun is out and snow has melted...
Enjoy mothers day and that nearly full light!

Minnado said...

Happy birthday to your 8 year old, those cakes look delicious. Glad your weather is warming up x


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