Monday, September 30, 2013

Enjoying the Last Days of Autumn

The big girls just go their own knife to make sticks for hot dogs on a fire (of course half the fun is carrying it in the belt). This is a very big thing for them, and they are so proud. Now we do nothing but cutting sticks.

I lie, we do some. Like putting on gloves, hats and fleeze. Take a trip to the local beach. Enjoying the last days of autumn. Winter is around the corner.

I fled to the cinema, to see Before Midnight. I love this trilogy, and this film gives an honest and real picture of the dynamics of relationships, the dialogue, the fights, the questions you ask.

But why would you even try to break up when you have Ethan Hawke..?

Have a good week!


likeschocolate said...

I have yet to see the 3rd edition. Loved the first, the second was ok, and I am hoping the 3rd is better than the second. Enjoy your last few days without snow.

tove said...

Fantastiske bilder, Mali!! Spikking er kjempeartig, den har vi vært gjennom her også! Høsten er så nydelig, men jeg kunne godt ha hoppet over vinteren:-)
Fikk veldig lyst å gå på kino nå! Den siste jeg så var Pionerene, men den syns jeg ikke var noe særlig. Hadde store forventninger, men syns de hadde laget litt for mye "røverhistorie" av temaet, det ble litt for enkelt fremstilt. Ha en fortsatt fin uke, håper det deilige været varer!

Tracey said...

Looks beautiful x

Unknown said...

I lost the 3rd is in my list...
Enjoy those last snow free days.

Anonymous said...

Gosh your winter comes swiftly. Enjoy the autumn while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ! I love your pictures ! While looking at them I can feel the fresh air aroud me…

God som Grønn said...

Helt enig - bruktmarked er definitivt ikke det samme som loppemarked...ja, vi er ganske bortskjemte her nede. Selv om jeg og har gått fra 6-7 på en helg da vi fortsatt bodde i Oslo til 4-5 i løpet av høsten. Men det holder det når man har to små barn å drasse på. De må jo få lov til å kjøpe noe de og når vi foreldre gjør det så det blir endel skrot ;)

Jennifer Alex said...

it is a very Jacket Back Digitizing good to be here &^%&^&^$6756476575


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