Thursday, September 19, 2013

Three days in Berlin

I love the cozy cafes, the great coffees, the restaurants - people are very easy going and relaxed in this city. We stayed in Prenzlauerberg, an area I really recommend. If you ever go to Berlin a visit to the outdoor wall museum is a must. It's powerful and interesting. We also went to the DDR museum, a fun and interaktive museum.

I especally loved the DDR livingroom at the museum, showing Derrick and propaganda. The room actually looks mysteriously like my grandmother's. I find the east-west history very interesting, and I will definately go back to see more of Berlin. We may have to bribe my sister to come back next year.

We have an Indian Summer in the Arctic, it feels wonderful. The colours are yellow and orange, as I'm sure it's where you live too now:)

Have a good weekend!


Teresa said...

Hey Mali - great post! I love this city too and once stayed with a friend of Andreas' in Prenzlauerberg. The east-west history fascinates me too - especially as my dear husband grew up in the DDR... Love those Trabants :-) Also love the sound of your Indian Summer in the Arctic - enjoy! Hug, Teresa :-)

likeschocolate said...

Just a little jealous as this is my favorite time of year in Germany. Indian summer, schnitzel, fresh pressed apple juice, walks in the city. Glad you had such a fantastic visit to Germany and much needed time away from the kiddos. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Someday, maybe I will make my way to Norway or you will make your way to the south home of Martin Luther King Jr., Delta Airlines, Coke, and the largest aquarium in the United States. :)

tove said...

Å så kjekt dere hadde det!! Jeg har hatt flere jobbturer til Berlin, men har aldri fått sett stort... Nå frister det å ta en voksentur:-) DDR museet ser veldig spennende ut, husker jo godt tiden med muren. Det virker jo helt absurd i dag når man ser tilbake på det. Kjempefine bilder, så kjekt å se!!

Unknown said...

Sounds great your days over Berlin.
Here colours are changing but not very fast...cold goes and comes, so flu has come...
Enjoy weekend

God som Grønn said...

Å, jeg drømmer om Berlin! Har ennå ikke vært der, og det er jo egentlig en skam. Vi skulle egentlig dit på kjærestetur for et par år siden, men da ble førstemann syk og turen måtte avlyses, dessverre...du har forresten like joggesko som meg, de er så fine! Samboeren min er like loppisgal som meg så han må nesten få være med. Så det blir med barn om det skal bli noe her hjemme. Det går jo greit, men adskillig enklere å finne kuppene uten ;)

trend said...

The Wall...what can I say. When I arrived in Berlin I was asked what I wanted to see..."take me to The Wall." I grew up during the Cold War. (Did anyone ever really "grow up" then or were we suspended in time and dread for WWIII?) As you, I walked in No Man's Land, and felt fear. I looked up at a patch of sky no one could see from that angle without fear. Peered through the slits on the Eastern side. And before I left, the Brandenburg Gate, where it all began, or ended. I met some twentyish American soldiers on the tram. They had been all over Berlin but hadn't been to The Wall. They had no idea why my eyes were watering. It's so strange when you realize you have become one of those old people talking about "the war" to people to whom it already means nothing. Thank you for reminding me. <3

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